Semsvannet around - lakeside hike
Between Skaugumåsen and Bergåsen in Asker municipality is an idyllic lake that you can walk around partly on a dirt road and partly on a...
Semsvannet around - lakeside hike
Ranebo friluftsområde - swimming, fishing, canoeing
Embalse de Guadelest - the green lake - hike around a dike
Sandvannet by Krokstrand - hike to lake
Nordre Øyeren - The Nordic region's largest inland delta - hike in nature conservation area
Bærum - Lake Østernvann - hike around a lake
Oslo - Bogstad Manor - park by lake
Burudvann - an oasis in the forest - hike along a lake
Dælivann - nature conservation area, fish and frogs
Mørkgonga - a gap for selfie - spectacular gorge
Niskinnvann - idyllic pond in the woods - hike around a lake