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Semsvannet around - lakeside hike

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Between Skaugumåsen and Bergåsen in Asker municipality is an idyllic lake that you can walk around partly on a dirt road and partly on a path through the forest. On the west side and parts of the east side, you walk through a cultural landscape with grazing horses, cattle and sheep. You can also use the round as a starting point for other, shorter and longer hikes into the forest.There are bathing areas in several places around the lake.

Røde små trehus på gresslette foran innsjø med stille vann med speiling fra en skogkledt ås i horisonten - Semsvannet i Asker

Park at the Semsvannet exit parking lot. Continue on the dirt road straight ahead past a barrier. On the first stretch, there are several small beaches where you can swim.

Parkeringsplass med biler ved veg ved Semsvannet i Asker

Liten badestrand med redningsring ved Semsvannet i Asker

Kvinne på benk ved liten slette ved vannet ved Semsvannet i Asker

After a few hundred meters you come to a bridge over a river. This is the outlet of the Semsvannet and the start of the Askerelva.

Bro over elv ved Semsvannet i Asker

This is followed by a beautiful cultural landscape with an emphasis on horse husbandry. Where the road splits, choose the path or dirt road that follows the lake. Along the way, you get a good view of the water in several places.

Hester på beite sett gjennom greiner med blader ved Semsvannet i Asker

Bondegård med hvitt våningshus og hest på beite ved Semsvannet i Asker

Vann med skogkledd ås i bakgrunnen sett gjennom busker ved Semsvannet i Asker

On the north side you come to a fork in the road at Tveiter farm. The route goes through the yard of this farm (on the right in the picture below).

Veiskille med skilt ved Semsvannet i Asker

Tveiter farm has catering and nice rooms and function rooms that can be rented for confirmations, weddings and the like.

Kvinne på grusveg mot hvitt hus og råd låve ved Tveiter gård ved  Semsvannet i Asker

On both sides of the farm there are signs for other hikes you can take if you want to go on a longer hike.

Skilt til fotturer ved Semsvannet i Asker

As a curiosity, you also pass a button factory that made "homemade" fuel for means of transport during the war.

Liten grå murbygning med røde lister knottfabrikk ved Semsvannet i Asker

Tveiter farm has four "husmannsplasser". There is a round trip to three of these. Mobråten husmannsplass is the most famous because it was used in the film "Grandmother and the Eight Children in the Woods". Follow the signs towards Sem gård to continue with the round.

Skilt med informasjon om rundtur til husmannsplasser ved Semsvannet i Asker

Kvinne på benk med glitrende vann foran ved Semsvannet i Asker

Sti gjennom skog ved Semsvannet i Asker

After the descent to the water, you pass the Tveiterfossen, which is formed by the river Gupuelva, the most important inlet of the Semsvannet.

Vannfall på glattpolert berg ved Tveiterfossen ved Semsvannet i Asker

From here you walk through a cultural landscape where it is important to pay tribute to the permanent residents, both by closing gates behind you and making room for the few cars that may come.

Kvinne lukker grind etter seg ved Semsvannet i Asker

Oransje bunn i vann ved Semsvannet i Asker

On the east side of the water there is a marked path to Skaugumåsen via Djupedalsåsen. It is also a nice hike where you get a view of the entire Asker and large parts of the archipelago in the inner Oslofjord. Read more at the bottom of the post.

Veiskille i skog med skilt til Skaugumåsen ved Semsvannet i Asker

Kvinne ved grind ser utover vann ved Semsvannet i Asker

On the south-eastern side of the water there is a slightly larger bathing area with a bathing platform.

Badestrand med gresslette og badeplattform ved Semsvannet i Asker

As you approach the end of the tour, you come to Asker municipality's center for nature, culture and health NaKuHel. Here there are various things to take a look at, including the Semsvannssteinen, which shows the outline and depth conditions of the Semsvannet.

Stein med mønster av Semsvannet i Asker Semsvannssteinen

At NaKuHel you can buy something to drink and eat from 11-15 every day.

Kafé med bord og stoler utenfor ved Smia Kafé ved Semsvannet i Asker

More excursions:

This week's excursion: lakeside hike around the Semsvannet in Asker

Suitable for: Everyone, but parts of the route are not suitable for wheelchairs or prams.

Duration: 5.1 km. Approx. 1.5 - 2 hours of leisurely walking. Level difference 90 metres.

Getting there: Search for Semsvannet exit parking on Google Maps. Alternatively: Take off the E18 from Oslo at Holmen. Turn right at the first roundabout where there is a sign for Sem Gjestegård. Then follow the signs to Sem farm past Skaugum. Continue straight ahead as far as this road goes. It ends in a barrier at the exit parking lot. Park here and continue on foot past the barrier. From here, just follow the dirt road or path around the water until you are back at the car park.

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