Mølen at Nevlunghavn is probably best known for its long beach with pebbles from the last Ice Age. This has been a landmark for seafarers for centuries. The good visibility from the sea is perhaps one of the reasons why important people were buried here in the Stone and Iron Ages.

230 burial mounds from the Stone and Iron Ages have been mapped here.

However, with its location right out in the sea gap, it is also a suitable resting place for migratory birds on their way to more southerly areas.

On the north-east side of the Mølen peninsula there are sandy beaches.In some places, the water is so shallow that large areas are left dry at low tide.

Here there is plenty of food for wading birds and others in search of seafood.

In the flat moraine terrain within, there is food for insectivores and seed-eaters.

There are also enough fish for the large cormorant to have their fill.

On certain days in spring and autumn, several thousand birds can land in one day, and close to 100,000 birds can pass through. The best season to see the bird migrations is May/June and September/October.
More excursions: www.turideer.com
Excursion of the week: Mølen at Nevlunghavn - nature reserve on the coast
Length: There is a car park right next to the beach with pebbles. To get to the area with sandy beaches, you have to walk closer to 1 km.
For: everyone
Get there: Search for Mølen Nevlunghavn on Google maps. There is a sign for the Mølen nature reserve just before you reach Nevlunghavn. If you follow this road all the way forward, you will come to a car park close to the beach with pebbles and burial mounds. From here you can also walk the path/road to the sandy beaches.