Thirty kilometers south of Strømstad you'll find Vitlycke Museum. It contains some of the best preserved rock carvings in Europe. Children can make their own art crafts and try archery. Northern Bohuslän has numerous ancient monuments such as tumuluses, rock carvings and symbolic stone formations. The cottages give a good impression of the living conditions at that time.

Tha farm has a herd of sheep well accustomed to humans.

Children can learn how to master the art of archery.

Well preserved rock carvings can be found several places on the grounds of the museum. You follow paths to the places where they have beed dig out and marked.

Rock carvings are some of the most importand sources to knowledge about how life was in prehistoric time. They tell stories about hunting, fishing, boats, marriage and animals.

Becauase of the artistic quality of the rock carvings we assume that only especially dedicated persons were allowed to make them.

You can meet with mr. pig if you want - a pig of the type one assume were kept in the farms of the bronce age.

In this animal trap a bait was hung on the spike in the middle. The fox got its foot cached between the other spikes when it tried to get access to the bait.

Deer was probably one of the most common preys catched in the tramp shown in the photo beneath.

Inside the museum the box with the sceleton that you could watch through a small hole, one of the most exciting objects. It's presumed to belong to a woman who died at the age of 55 which at that time was considered to be a very high age.

The museum has a fixed exhibition of objects from the bronce age, a shop where you can buy arts and souvenires and a restaurant.

Outside you can find musicians playing on instruments used in the bronce age.

More excursions:
Excursion of the week: Vitlycke museum at Tanum - rock carvings
Suitable for: Everybody. The museum and parts of the farm is accessable for wheelchair users, but the area with the rock carvings has stairs and narrow paths.
Length of the trip: Behind the museum you can follow a path of half a kilometer. On the oppositeside of the road you can follow several paths and make a walk of a kilometer or so.
Getting there: Coming from Strømstad headed to Gøteborg, you take off from E6 in the crossing at Tanumsmotet right after you have got Tanums shoping center at your right hand side. Then follow road 163 and the signs to Vitlycke museum.
Task: Can you locate this place?
