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Castillo de Castalla - castle with archaeological excavations and a long history

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Four miles from Alicante on the Costa Blanca coast lies Castalla. It is an old village with ruins of a castle on top of a hill. The hill stands out from the surrounding flat landscape, and the castle has in its time provided good protection against enemies. On this hill, archaeological discoveries have been made from various settlements going back to four thousand years ago. The old part of the village surrounds the castle at the foot of the hill. Today, Castillo de Castalla is a popular tourist destination for those interested in civics, history and archaeology.

Castalla i Alicanteregionen med borg på toppen av høyden og kirken ved foten av den

The hill with the castle at the top and the church at the bottom is visible from a long distance when approaching Castalla. If you park near the church, you get a short distance to what is worth seeing in the village. The most important places to see are:

1) Castillo de Castalla

2) Iglesia de la Asunción

3) The town hall square with the old town halls

4) Museo de la Casa de Pérez with the forgotten toys

5) Casa de Paco Rico

The church is the first thing you encounter on the way to the old town and the castle.

Iglesia de la Asunción i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
The church Iglesia de la Asunción

Kirkegjengere på vei til messe i Iglesia de la Asunción i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Churchgoers on their way to mass

The church was completed in 1572 and is in Gothic-Catalan style. It was constructed by two brothers from the village. It is open to the public from 9-13 on Sundays, but you can book a tour for groups at other times.

Kirkedøren til la Iglesia de la Asuncion i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
The church door of the Iglesia de la Asunción

The old part of the village at the foot of the hill has narrow streets and old houses. Some of them have been renovated, but many are poorly maintained. The city as a whole can appear a bit gray and boring to a tourist visiting the place for the first time, but some streets have a certain charm.

Smal bygate i den gamle bydelen av Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Narrow city street in the old town

Mann lufter hunden sin i en smal bygate i den gamle delen av Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Man walks his dog in an old city street

Ermita de la Sang i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
The chapel la Ermita de la Sang

La Ermita de la Sang is the first building you come across when you walk up the stairs towards the castle. It was built in the year 860. The road up to the castle winds up the slope in hairpin bends. Along the way, you can see archaeological excavations from previous settlements. It costs 3 Euros to enter the castle, and it is only open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-2pm. The most interesting thing to see is inside the castle. Therefore, you should visit the place during the opening hours of the castle.

Trapper opp mot Castillo de Castalla i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Stairs towards the castle

Smal vei som slynger seg opp mot Castillo de Castalla i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Narrow road that winds up towards the castle

Arkeologisk utgravningssted på vei mot Castillo de Castalla i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Archaeological excavation site on the way to the castle

Trapp inn i borggården i Castillo de Castalla i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Stairs into the castle courtyard

The castle is of Islamic origin and was built in the 11th century. Archaeological excavations have shown that the place has previously been used by the Romans and settlements back to the year 2000 before Christ. Castillo de Castalla is one of the eight best preserved and interesting castles in the Alicante region. La Ruta de los Castillos del Vinalopó is a historical and cultural tour where, within an area of ​​seven miles, you visit nine municipalities with citizens (ó-tur-fra-borg-til-borg).

Underjordisk rom som ble brukt til våpenlager i Castillo de Castalla
Underground armory

Borggården i Castillo de Castalla i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
The courtyard seen from the inside

Skyteskår i rester av borgvegg i Castillo de Castalla

Bakgård i Castillo de Castalla
Backyard with well

Nærbilde av gammel brønn i Castillo de Castalla
Close-up of the well

Rom med informasjonsvideo i Castillo de Castalla
Room with informational video on the wall

Døråpninger i Castillo de Castalla
Room dividers in the castle

Trappeoppgang til overetasjen i Castillo de Castalla
Staircase to the upper floor

Utstilling av arkeologiske funn og rekonstruksjoner i Castillo de Castalla
Exhibition of archaeological finds and reconstructions

Forstørret kopi av bybrev til Castalla
Enlarged copy of city charter

Benk med deler av et vindu i Castillo de Castalla
Bench with parts of a window frame in the castle

Innredning i et rom i Castillo de Castalla
Furnishing in rooms in the castle

Kongestol der man kan ta selfie med hjelm og sverd i Castillo de Castalla
King's chair where you can take a selfie with a helmet and sword

Detaler fra original murvegg i Castillo de Castalla
Detail from original brick wall

Borgmur med tårnet Torre Grosso i enden i Castillo de Castalla
Castle wall with the tower Torre Grosso

Vegg dekorert med en katt i et tre i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Wall with cat in a tree in the old part of the village

Dekorert inngangsparti til bolig i den gamle bydelen av Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Decorated entrance to a home in the old town

The town hall square is worth a visit when you are in the old town. The building on the left in the picture below is the oldest town hall building. It has been unused for 40 years, but is now being rehabilitated. The building on the right has been used in recent times, but the administration in the town hall has now been moved to a new building next door (not in the picture).

Rådhusplassen i Castalla i Alicanteregionen med de to eldste rådhusbygningene i Castalla
The town hall square with the old town hall buildings

In the old town of Caballa, you can also visit the architecturally interesting Casa de Paco Rico, which is now the office of the organizers of the traditional la Fiesta de Moros y Christianos. Here you can see costumes and props from the parties.

Fasaden til Casa de Paco Rico i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Casa de Paco Rico

Fasade med minneplakett for hundreårsdagen til forfatteren Enric Valor i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Facade with commemorative plaque for the writer Enric Valor's centenary

Fasaden til museet Casa de Pérez i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
The museum of toys Museo Casa de Pérez y los jugetes perdidos

The Casa de Pérez toy museum is located close to the Casa de Paco Rico. It is an impressive museum with toys from many ages displayed on several floors. It costs 8 euros to enter, and the museum is open every day except Monday.

Åpningstider for museet Casa de Pérez i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Opening hours for the museum

Glemte leker i inngangspartiet til museet Casa de Pérez i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Forgotten toys in Casa de Pérez

The new part of Castalla is quite ordinary and not that interesting for a tourist, but there are nice parks, restaurants and quarters here too.

Park med veggmalerier i Castalla i Alicanteregionen
Park in the new part of Castalla

Castillo de Castalla og Iglesia de la Asunción sett fra park i den nye delen av Castalla
The castle and the church seen from the park

More excursions:

Excursion of the week: Castalla with the church, the toy museum and the castle with its archaeological excavations.

Suitable for: Everyone, but the ascent to the castle and difficult for prams and wheelchairs because there are a lot of stairs.

Getting there: Follow the A7 from Alicante towards Alcoy. Take the exit to Castalla when you see the sign for the town. Follow this road CV-80 until you enter the city. If you use Google Maps you will be directed to the city centre. It is not a good starting point to get to the most interesting places. It is better to park near the church and walk from there.



© 2016 ved Liv og Geir Stene-Larsen. 

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