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May 11, 20213 min read
Nord-Koster - nordic savannah - sandy beach and smooth rocks
A sunny day when the wind is not to hard, you should take the Kosterboat to Nordkoster. It's an island free from cars where you can go on...
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May 11, 20212 min read
Bjørnerødpiggen - on historical grounds - hike in the forest
Are you looking for a hike in an open forest with a hint of mountains which there is more to than just the beautiful scenery? Bring your...
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May 10, 20212 min read
Saltö - Kosterhavets National Park - sandy beach
Saltö is an idyllic island with a beautiful sandy beach and nice hiking opportunities. If you like snorkeling, try the snorkel trail. The...
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May 10, 20212 min read
Källviken i Strømstad - hike in the woods in beautiful terrain
Källviken has its own pizza restaurant and rooms and cabins you can enjoy with views to the beautiful archipelago of Bohuslän, but you...
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May 10, 20212 min read
Lysakerelven - a taste of the Vestlandet - hike along the river
On the west side of Bærumsveien, Lysakerelven becomes wider and the landscape is more open. When you come down to Granfossen, you get the...
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May 10, 20212 min read
Lysakerelven - a Nordic jungle - hike along the river
If you wonder what to do today, explore Lysaker River (Lysakerelven). As you walk along the Lysaker River's upper part from Jar to...
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May 6, 20211 min read
Burudvann - an oasis in the forest - hike along a lake
Twenty minutes drive from Sandvika you will find an idyllic spot in the woods. A walk around the lake takes about two hours. In the...
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May 6, 20212 min read
Blomsholm - Lull on the Bohusläden - hike in the woods
Bohusläden is a network of hiking trails/roads from Skåne in the south to the Norwegian border in the north. It is linked to coastal...
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May 4, 20212 min read
Elgåfossen - on the border - hike to waterfall
A few miles from Strömstad lies a waterfall that separates Norway from Sweden. The Älgafallet as it is called in Swedish lies in the...
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Apr 29, 20213 min read
Mørkgonga - a gap for selfie - spectacular gorge
By Steinsfjorden on the border between Ringerike and Hole is one of the country's most spectacular gorges - a crack in the lava plate...
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