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Cieza - peach blossoms, archeological excavations and hiking along the river

Writer: AdminAdmin

Cieza is known for beautiful fruit blossoms, impressive Easter celebrations and areas of archaeological excavations. In the large plains around where you can see blossoms from almond and peach trees, agriculture has been practiced for millennia. Irrigation systems have been found from both Roman times and from the tenth century when the Arabs (Moors) ruled. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the Museo de SiYasa, living quarters from the time of the Moors have been reconstructed. There are kilometer-long hiking trails along the Río Segura river that runs past the city.

Elv med grønt vann med fjell i bakgrunnen Río Segura i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

The river Río Segura has been important for the fertility of the soil on the large plain in the municipality of Cieza - here depicted with the mountain Sierra de Almorchón in the background (see the picture above). A lot of peaches and almonds are grown here. Cieza is the capital of the Vega Alta del Segura area in Murcia and is a natural gateway to the Murcia region.

Sletteland med busker og trær ved Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Plains with almond trees and peach trees

Ferskentrær med røde blomster i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Plantation with peach trees in bloom

Kvinne studerer blomst på et ferskentre i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Nærbilde av blomst til ferskentre i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Flower from peach tree

Cieza city is originally a medieval Muslim city. Much of the old buildings have been replaced by modern buildings and wide streets, but there are areas with buildings from the Middle Ages. In the districts along the river, narrow streets with old brick houses have been preserved.

Y-formet veikryss med brede bygater i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
The main street in Cieza

Monumentalt bygg med klokketårn i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Pergola pyntet med blomster i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Fasade i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Fasade med vakker dør og vindu i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Bygate med portal i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Bygate i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

Gammelt tre med bred stamme i Cieza i Alicanteregionen

The Museo de Siyasa displays findings from archaeological excavations from the 11th to the 13th century when the Moors settled in Cieza. Artifacts from that time have been exhibited here, and some rooms in the homes have also been reconstructed. You can also visit areas with archaeological excavations outside the city.

Fasaden til Museo de Siyasa i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
The entrance to the Museo de Siyasa

Rekonstruert dørportal med utsmykninger i Museo de Siyasa i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Reconstructed portal from the Moorish period in Cieza in the Alicante region

Hvitt rom med portal til vindu i Museo de Siyasa i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Reconstructed room from the 11th to the 13th century

To små og en stor krukke fra det 11-13 århundre i Cieza
Jars from the 11th - 13th century in Cieza

Kunst- og bruksgjenstander fra det 11. til 13. århundre i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Archaeological finds from the time of the Moors

If you want to take the opportunity to walk or cycle, you can choose one of the marked routes in the area. One of them runs along the river Río Segura.

Skilt til turveier i Cieza

Gangbro over elv i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
One of the many bridges over the Río Segura

Gangvei langs elv i Cieza i Spania
Footpath along the river Río Segura in Cieza in the Alicante region

Klynge av gamle murshus sett fra elve Río Segura i Cieza i Alicanteregionen
Den muslimske middelalderbyen Cieza sett fra Río Segura

One of the major attractions in Cieza is the celebration of the Easter holiday la Semana Santa y fiesta de San Bartolomé. The Easter celebration has been a tradition for over 600 years and received the status of Interés Turístico Nacional in 2011. The celebration of San Bartolomé takes place from 24 to 31 August each year and is one of the most popular fiestas in the region.

More excursions:

Excursion of the week: Cieza - peach blossoms, archeological excavations and hike along the river.

Suitable for: Everyone. Prams and wheelchairs are fine.

Getting there: Follow the A-7 from Alicante towards Murcia. Take the A-30 towards Albacete near Murcia. Follow the A-30 until you see signs for Cieza, which is close to the motorway. Park in the center of the city.



© 2016 ved Liv og Geir Stene-Larsen. 

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